Intermission Chat

If "all the world's a stage" then sometimes we need an INTERMISSION. We need a time to stop, to reflect upon the script, to evaluate our part in the play, to consider the bigger picture, to reconnect with the Author and with the other players. This is the essence of our Tuesday night gathering. This blog is a virtual extension of our ongoing spiritual conversation. Everyone is invited to bring something to the table – a word, a song, an expression, or just silence.

Friday, August 11, 2006

…and God said, “Yes.

So yesterday morning (Thursday) at 8:30am I received a phone call. Now, I don’t need to remind you that this was the morning AFTER I sent you my email/blog that I was definitively NOT going this weekend.

The phone call was from God.

…well, not directly from God, for He often uses human messengers.

It was my friend Nate’s father. He said he woke up that morning with the idea that he really wanted to help Leah and I get down for the celebration. He said it was confirmed when his wife woke up and said the exact same thing to him.

Dude, how many people does God need to tell before I listen?

Leah observed we often assume that when God speaks, He’s going to tell us to do something difficult or something we don’t want to do. So what happens when He’s telling us to do something we really want to do??? It can be even harder to hear Him because we assume it’s just our own desires speaking. We assume God doesn’t hand out assignments like that – He only delegates the hard, laborious ones.

So more than anything, I feel I owe you all an apology for not trusting the Voice of God from you in my life. God was undoubtedly speaking through all of you, but I was 1) too thick to hear it; 2) did not trust you, my community, as I truly should have. God had to bring another voice to confirm what you said before I believed it. I sincerely apologize. I will earnestly strive to trust Christ in you from now on.

I am humbled. God was speaking to me through all of you, and I almost missed it. I am grateful for His grace, that God would send me, (this doubting “Gideon”) yet another undeserved fleece to confirm His message.

I am humbled. Only because of our community has this weekend been made possible. Scott Overlock is going to teach Sunday School for me. Deb & Rick Meservey (“satellite members” of our community) are taking over my worship leading responsibilities Sunday. The Cranes provided me the monetary gift that you collected (as again, you all KNEW I was going this weekend long before I did)… by the way, that “500 Lobster note” is not recognized outside of the State of Maine… so I’ll have to wait until I return to use it *smile*. This community not only spoke God’s voice to me, but then worked to make “His word become flesh.”

So again, thank you all for hearing God and please forgive me of little faith for doubting the Voice of God in you. I do believe! Thank you for helping me overcome my unbelief!

I love you all.

(writing from Massachusetts, heading to Pennsylvania tomorrow)


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