Intermission Chat

If "all the world's a stage" then sometimes we need an INTERMISSION. We need a time to stop, to reflect upon the script, to evaluate our part in the play, to consider the bigger picture, to reconnect with the Author and with the other players. This is the essence of our Tuesday night gathering. This blog is a virtual extension of our ongoing spiritual conversation. Everyone is invited to bring something to the table – a word, a song, an expression, or just silence.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Tuesday, May 30th - Where and What?

I publicly want to thank Scott for offering his home for a future meeting. Leah and I just confirmed that we can get childcare for June 6th, but NOT for tomorrow (May 30th). So, let's plan to meet at Scott's house on June 6th and we will have one final discussion about God, the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth then!

Tomorrow, May 30th, let's plan on meeting at Leah and my house, 8 Belmont Ave, 6pm for Dinner, 7pm for discussion.

Keep checking back here to the blog and we'll have Scott post directions to his house for the June 6th meeting.


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