Intermission Chat

If "all the world's a stage" then sometimes we need an INTERMISSION. We need a time to stop, to reflect upon the script, to evaluate our part in the play, to consider the bigger picture, to reconnect with the Author and with the other players. This is the essence of our Tuesday night gathering. This blog is a virtual extension of our ongoing spiritual conversation. Everyone is invited to bring something to the table – a word, a song, an expression, or just silence.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

See where the conversation will take you

Interview As Song, by Bono
from Rolling Stone, issue 1000, May 18-June 1, 2005, p. 216

"Before U2 had ever come to America, my introduction to Rolling Stone was the interviews with my heroes: Dylan, Lennon. I read them all. They were like songs. When you set off on one of those conversations, it's for the same reason you write lyrics. It's a voyage of discovery. Talkers are searchers. I talk because I'm trying to find out about things. It's like that in friendship or with your lover. You see where the conversation will take you" (emphasis mine).

I feel similarly about our Tuesday night gathering; we see where the conversation will take us.

Any thoughts?


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